Thursday, September 03, 2009

Yellow Fever!!!

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine....

You see ah...I'm in a very very desperate attempt to revive my blog...

I'm actually putting up a 2nd post on the same day....(what to do got banyak time to kill at the airport)

MY statistics for this blog not very good...
2006 when i first started to blog - 3 posts
2007 i dunno what happened to me - 0 posts
2008 i suddenly got something to say - 3 posts
2009 so far up to date - 2 posts...(not including this one)

So what should I blog next?

Well letmme just show you all how i maintain my sanity...
By hanging out with my good friends of course...

The other day...last friday 29 August 2009...we all celebrated our beloved friend, Mr BONG and our Pilot friend Mr Tan's birthday...

The cool part about celebrating birthday with these group of friends of mine is, all birthday celebration is like a well planned or super gung-ho event...everyone is required to follow the dress code...we actually started this trend last year during Mr BONG's birthday in was a blast.....somemore winner of best dressed or most outstating would receive a present from the birthday boy/ the trend to dress up differently with special themes continued on for each birthday..

okok coming back to the topic

The theme for Mr BONG and Mr Pilot's brithday 2009 is...Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow and we are all required to bring old toys to show off!!

Enough from me let the pictures do the talking...

And and I need to give credit to the photographers tankiu ac & germ germ for the pictures....


I did all this with my work laptop sorry for the lousy job of cutting and pasting...i used paintbursh & powerpoint only ok....good or not?


This is my an attempt to revive my blog or blogging activities (which is currently in a very sad dead state aka graveyard blog) I shall try to post up more stuffs up here.
My sayang's name is germ germ. Look she recently had a haircut...
See she looks garang right?
Actually she is just like a durian...(which is one of my favourite fruit as well)
Tough and thorny on the outside but inside she is sweet and nice and kind...(also smells nice) Really lah looks can be deceiving..Wouldn't you agree more?

So Moral of the story is never judge a book by its cover...
I'm most guilty of doing this...

Most of my friends say of me

"You're very judgemental....very stubborn etc etc"

But the thing is, what you see is what you get lar isn't it?
Well this is one lesson I need to learn and am still learning as we continue on...

Please lar leave more comments on my blog so that I got more motivation to put up more posts.....and in no way do i think my sayang smells like a durian

before I go off let me leave you with a picture of my sayang no.2...(I've intended to write about him a loong time ago) the super jack, wacko jacko or more affectionately known as jack jack...

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