Sunday, February 05, 2006

Okay people this is all NEW to me!
First and foremost I want to thank a certain LAD and AC for encouraging me to blog (aka fill my time) and i'm not gonna say much least my 'england' will offend you as i find some offensive to me. Just enjoy the pics !!!

Figure 1: Protrays the banana mini pancake 'whatchamacallit' treasure something something we had during our CNY Lunch @ the curve. Looks yummy eh? Really really filling!

Figure 2: Now the guy in red looks really cool!! And the guy sitting down looks a bit stoned!! Do give your comments about the other 2 guys!

1st to post!
Now keep up the good work. More pix ya!
shirt n the choker looks familiar...
why the stoned face?
i personally think it is a great idea... not like u can get chicks with this blog but it cool
RESPETC!!!! Booyakasha...... AIIiiiiii

personally ihave too much sh*t on my plate to start blogging.....

keep it up mate!
ok lor ask me to comment i comment lor...


but anyway, good effort on your part!
Aaron says:
eh faster put comment....
Aaron says:
since you taruk me already!!!
Aaron says:
lame things also nevermind lah...
Aaron says:
just to fill space...

Har har.

Too bad you didn't get a chinese costume too. The dessert is fantastic, I've had it before. Everyone should try it, but remember to share =D
Actually why you look so serious one.. i tot we were going for "Spastic" look.

Err.. no offence to spastic people. You guys look great.

*runs away*
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